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What Do I Believe?

Hopefully you are wondering where I stand on the issues. Well, before I start to answer that question, let me say that I will never tell you what I think you want to hear. I will tell you what I think and what I believe. That said, what I think and believe MAY evolve over time. For example, you would almost certainly think I’m a separate person if you were to compare today’s “me” with the “me” when I was 20-years-old. Totally different! And when I say “evolve”, I don’t mean flip-flop; I mean subtle refinements. However, underlying everything I am about and everything I think and believe is a fundamental belief in, and yearning for, freedom and liberty. So, here’s some thoughts:

- Guns seem to be a popular subject today so let me start here. I have been around guns my entire life. They are as a part of life for me as the car keys in my pocket. I own them, use them, study them, collect them, desire them. I respect them. I rely upon them to help keep myself and my family safe. And yes, I would use them against a tyrannical government if needed (and I pray it never is needed). I believe I have an absolute right to own them and that right does not come from government. I believe the founding fathers knew full well that the evil in the heart of men would eventually collectively result in the infringement of our rights and so they made particularly certain that an absolute limitation was placed on the government. Hence the 2nd amendment. To be clear, the 2nd amendment is a declaration of my pre-existing right, as well as a limit on the government, not a privilege granted by said government.

- Proper role of government: Here’s a biggie but I think it’s important to know what a candidate believes in this regard. After all, they’ll oversee a large treasury that is derived from the fruit of your labor. Remember, government does not produce; only YOU produce. Government has only that which came from you. So, what is the proper role of government? Well, I believe government’s PRIMARY purpose is to secure the rights of its citizens. A government should protect individual freedom. I don’t believe our government should pick winners and losers; it shouldn’t transfer wealth from one to another; and it should not lord over its citizenry. I believe our government, our constitutional republic, was formed to secure and protect our rights as citizens and human beings. I could go on….

These two are only a couple of things I have a strong belief in but I hope this begins to show you who I am. I will add more in the coming days. Stay tuned!

Please allow me to sign off with this message: Running a political campaign for an office like this Senate seat is proving to be quite expensive (~$5k). It’s even more expensive when running against the Republican Majority Chair in the Senate because he has a large bankroll. I knew this going in, but I could no longer sit around complaining. I was moved to act regardless of the cost to me personally. However, if you believe in liberty and in me, I would certainly appreciate ANY contribution you may be moved to make.


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