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What Do I Believe - Part 2

I’ve outlined my views on guns and on the proper role of government. Let me expand into a couple of different areas, now.

CBD Oil – this seems like a very polarizing issue. For me, it really comes down to the question of whether or not we allow the government to give us permission for a benign, natural substance. CBD oil is NOT marijuana. It has virtually no psychoactive THC and cannot be used to get “high”. Why would the government take away our choice…our freedom to choose for ourselves? What makes them think they have any authority in this regard. I wonder if “big pharma” is pulling the strings in the capital. It became quite evident during the course of the session that the Governor was vehemently opposed to the CBD oil bill when a committee chairman shoved the bill in his drawer and proclaimed the Governor didn’t want it! Wait, I thought the legislature made the bills and Governor either signed or vetoed them. Why do legislators care what the Governor wants to extent of denying a hearing on a bill that passed the House on a 4:1 ratio?!?! Corruption! Anyway, I’m all for CBD oil.

Local control of schools – Common core is a mess! It needs to be repealed. We need to dismantle the State Board of Education and push the power back to local school boards. A government closest to the people is the best and most efficient.

Federal monies – Somewhere around 36% of Idaho’s budget comes from the Federal government…. the BROKE Federal government! Unless we begin to wean ourselves from the Federal teat, we’re destined for trouble in the future. Not only that, Federal money is always conditional. Strings are always attached. We need to work toward self-sufficiency. We need to balance our budget WITHOUT Federal monies.

Public Lands – I love our outdoor spaces in Idaho. It’s my favorite aspect of my state. I’m old enough to recognize the increasing restrictions on the use of our public lands. Things are not how they used to be. I think they can be better. As an avid off-road dirt biker, I KNOW we are being locked out of our lands. I favor State control of public lands. Notice I’m not advocating selling anything, only that the State should manage the lands. I believe the State can do a better job. After all, the state is not broke whereas the Feds ARE broke. In fact, I think our lands are at risk of being sold by the Feds!

Well, there’s a couple of big issues that I’ve laid out. If you have questions, contact me.

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